In hunger hotspots around the world, an unprecedented number of children and their families urgently need food to survive. The need can feel overwhelming, but by starting a monthly donation to World Food Program USA you can make an enduring lifesaving difference.
For a limited time, a generous donor will match your first three monthly gifts. A $25 matched monthly gift could provide 200 school meals.
Monthly donations are more efficient and give us the reliable support needed to effectively respond as crises emerge and escalate. With your monthly gift, you’ll become a ZeroHunger Hero – someone who’s going above and beyond to ensure that hungry people get the nutritious food they need, no matter what.
Hurry, make your monthly 100% tax-deductible contribution now!
In hunger hotspots around the world, an unprecedented number of children and their families urgently need food to survive winter. The need can feel overwhelming, but by starting a monthly donation to World Food Program USA you can make a lifesaving difference.
For a limited time, a generous donor will match your first three monthly gifts. A $25 matched monthly gift could provide 200 school meals. With your monthly gift, you’ll become a ZeroHunger Hero – someone who’s going above and beyond to ensure that hungry people get the nutritious food they need, no matter what.